Mike Bergerson
Mike Bergerson is a principal and consulting actuary with the Minneapolis office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 2007.
Prior to joining Milliman, Mike graduated from the Institute of Technology at the University of Minnesota where he majored in Mathematics with an emphasis in Actuarial Science.
Since joining Milliman’s Healthcare Practice, Mike has specialized in Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance. He has assisted clients in the areas of pricing, state insurance department rate filings, experience analysis, financial reporting, and assumption development.
Mike has spoken at industry and professional meetings and has authored numerous articles and research reports. He was also a contributor to an LTC book that is on the current syllabus for a Society of Actuaries Group and Health FSA exam.
Mike is a past member on the Society of Actuaries Long-Term Care Section Council, including serving as Chair.
He currently volunteers on the American Academy of Actuaries Long-Term Care Reform Subcommittee and the Society of Actuaries Community Engagement Strategy Work Group. Mike previously volunteered as a question writer and grader for the Society of Actuaries Group Health exams.
Speeches and Presentations:
- 2021. Speaker. “Milliman LTC Rate Increase Survey Webinar: An industry survey of strategies and experience with rate increases,” Milliman Webinar.
- 2021. Producer and Speaker. “Impact of COVID-19 on LTC,” Society of Actuaries ImpACT Meeting, Virtual.
- 2021. Speaker. “COVID-19 Impact on Long-Term Care Insurance,” Society of Actuaries Research Insights Podcast.
- 2020. Speaker. “COVID Impact on LTC – A Survey of Company Experience,” Milliman Webinar.
- 2019. Producer and Moderator. “Actuarial Guideline 51 Update,” Actuarial session of Annual Intercompany LTCI Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- 2018. Producer and Moderator. “Don’t Hesitate to Innovate,” Actuarial session of Annual Intercompany LTCI Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- 2017. Producer and Moderator. “Long Term Care Actuarial Regulator Roundtable,” Actuarial session of Annual Intercompany LTCI Conference, Jacksonville, Florida.
- 2016. Speaker. “Rate Increase Potpourri,” Actuarial session of Annual Intercompany LTCI Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
- 2012. Moderator. “In-force Rate Actions and Their Effect on the Long-Term Care Insurance Market,” Society of Actuaries Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
- 2012. Speaker. “Health Care Reform Overview: Discussion of Key Provisions for Employer Health Groups,” Group Underwriters Association of America Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Publications/Research Reports:
- 2022. Peer Reviewer. “Long-term care rate increase survey: An industry survey of strategies and experiences with rate increases.” Milliman research report, March 2022.
- 2021. “Long-term care insurance valuation: An industry survey of assumptions and methodologies.” Milliman research report, November 2021.
- 2021. “COVID-19 Impact on Long-Term Care Insurance: 2021 Survey.” Society of Actuaries research report, October 2021.
- 2021. “COVID-19 Impact on Long-Term Care Insurance: 2020 Survey.” Society of Actuaries research report, March 2021.
- 2021. “Unpacking Predictive Analytics for the Long-Term Care Insurance Industry: How New Approaches to Model Visualization Can Support Greater Understanding of Results.” Article published in Society of Actuaries LTC Section Newsletter, February 2021.
- 2020. “COVID-19 impact on long-term care: A survey of company experience.” Article published in Milliman Insight, November 2020.
- 2020. “Advantages, Disadvantages, and Considerations for LTC Policy Buyouts.” Article published in Society of Actuaries LTC Section Newsletter, Issue No. 53, February 2020.
- 2020. “Impacts of COVID-19 on in-force long-term care insurance.” Article published in Milliman Insight, April 2020.
- 2017. “Utilization: Long-Term Care’s “Middle Child.” Article published in Society of Actuaries LTC Section Newsletter, Issue No. 46, December 2017.
- 2017. “Detail Matters: Level vs. Relative Premium Increases and Their Effect on Actuarial Equivalence in Long-Term Care Insurance.” Article published in Society of Actuaries LTC Section Newsletter, Issue No. 44, April 2017.
- 2016. “So What’s the Good News?” Article published in Society of Actuaries LTC Section Newsletter, Issue No. 43, December 2016.
- 2015. “Landing Spots: Offsetting Premium Increases through Changes to Inflation Protection.” Article published in Society of Actuaries LTC Section Newsletter, Issue No. 40, December 2015.
- 2015. “Benefit Reductions to Offset LTC Premium Increases: Evaluating Options.” Article published in Society of Actuaries LTC Section Newsletter, Issue No. 38, August 2015.
- 2013. “Conducting a Long-Term Care Experience Study.” Article published in Society of Actuaries LTC Section Newsletter, Issue No. 33, January 2013.
- 2012. “Current State and Future of the Individual LTC Market.” Article published in Milliman Disability Newsletter, Issue DN-117, June 2012.
Contributor. Insuring Long-Term Care. Published by Actex Publications, Inc., Copyright 2022.
- Fellow, Society of Actuaries
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- BS, Mathematics with Actuarial Science Emphasis, University of Minnesota
- Community Engagement Strategy Work Group, Society of Actuaries, 2023–present
- Long-Term Care Insurance Section Council, Society of Actuaries, 2020–2022
- Long-Term Care Insurance Section Council, Society of Actuaries, Secretary/Treasurer, 2020
- Long-Term Care Insurance Section Council, Society of Actuaries, Vice Chair, 2021
- Long-Term Care Insurance Section Council, Society of Actuaries, Chair, 2022
- Long-Term Care Reform Subcommittee, American Academy of Actuaries, 2021–present
- Group Health Fellowship Exam Grading and Question Writing, Society of Actuaries, 2011–2019