Charlie Howell
London, UK
Charlie Howell is a consulting actuary based in Milliman's London Life and Financial Services Practice. Charlie joined Milliman in 2016.
Charlie has worked on a wide variety of actuarial projects covering areas, including internal model capital modelling, Solvency II, system migrations, and various research assignments.
Professional Designations
- Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
- Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst
- BA Economics, University of Cambridge
Read their latest work
Climate forecast: Looking beyond net-zero mortality predictions
27 February 2025 - by Adél Drew, Alan McDonagh, Arushi Mittal, Charlie Howell, Gaël Neuhaus, Nick Spencer, Tatiana Egoshina
Our prototype climate mortality model explores on a high level the interactions of various climate and socio-economic factors on excess mortality.
The 2025 sustainability agenda for UK life and health insurers
06 February 2025 - by Nick Spencer, Adél Drew, Amy Nicholson, Charlie Howell
We review 10 items on the sustainability agenda for UK life and health insurers in 2025.
Beware “net-zero” mortality and morbidity!
21 January 2025 - by Nick Spencer, Charlie Howell
Insurers need to consider the range of potential climate impacts on mortality and morbidity liabilities, and avoid thinking they’ll amount to a net-zero outcome.
Greenwashing and climate transition plans
17 January 2025 - by Nick Spencer, Charlie Howell
Our recent Sustainability Financial Services Forum found that published climate scenarios often fail to capture the full spectrum of complexities.
Retirement income in a Defined Contribution pensions world
27 October 2023 - by Neil Dissanayake, Charlie Howell, Russell Ward
In today’s world of defined contribution retirement plans, we explore the use of some key tools that can significantly help retirees balance the level, sustainability and stability of their income.
Artificial intelligence governance principles: A summary of the report by EIOPA’s consultative expert group on digital ethics in insurance
30 July 2021 - by Charlie Howell, Kapil Relwani
We summarize recent guidance, which covers how insurers can harness the benefits of AI, address the risks it generates, and promote trust in its use.
Artificial Intelligence: The ethical use of AI in the life insurance sector
24 November 2020 - by David Burston, Charlie Howell, Andrew Gilchrist, Philip Simpson
Life insurance has a data-fuelled business model that makes it an industry that appears, on the surface, to be well primed for the technological advances that artificial intelligence can offer in addressing the challenges it faces in an increasingly digital world.
ESG Rebase
26 July 2019 - by Charlie Howell, Michael Leitschkis, Russell Ward
This paper introduces ESG Rebase, a technology capable of accurately translating a baseline risk-neutral Economic Scenario Generator file representing an entirely different set of market conditions, such as nominal yield curve, equity volatility vector or fixed interest volatility surface.