Jason Melek
Jason Melek is a principal and consulting actuary with the Indianapolis office at Milliman. He joined the firm in 2007.
Jason is a consulting actuary with Milliman. Since joining Milliman in 2007, he has provided consulting services related to developing and pricing commercial health insurance products, making healthcare reform financial projections, modeling healthcare reform population projections, developing commercial fee schedules, and developing Section 1332 waivers. Additionally, Jason supports state Medicaid agencies with capitation rate development, financial forecasting, 1115 waiver budget neutrality, and other fiscal analyses.
Jason also has experience with a variety of other actuarial work, including handling small employer certifications and compliance, projecting ACA risk adjustments, conducting loss reserving, projecting and monitoring financial results, developing Section 1332/1115 combination waivers, and making annual reserve opinions. He has worked with pharmaceutical companies, health plans, health systems, state Medicaid agencies, and employee benefit plan sponsors. He has expertise in building Excel tools for clients to use for financial projections, rate development, and other purposes. Jason also has substantial knowledge in data processing and manipulation.
- Commercial health insurance: Detailed 2017 financial results and emerging 2018 trends. Milliman Research Report (2019).
- Commercial health insurance: Overview of 2016 financial results and emerging enrollment and premium data. Milliman Research Report (2018).
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA) Fellow, Society of Actuaries (FSA)
- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, Actuarial Science Concentration, Colorado State University