Rebecca O’Mahoney
Rebecca O’Mahoney is an actuarial manager in Milliman’s Dublin office.
Rebecca’s experience is primarily in the life, health, and non-life insurance fields in both the domestic and cross-border (re)insurance markets. Her expertise includes valuation and financial reporting; developing, maintaining, and validating actuarial modelling systems; PRSA determination; risk management; mergers and acquisitions; and other consulting work. Rebecca has in-depth Solvency II knowledge and experience and has supported clients in meeting Solvency II requirements across the three pillars. Rebecca is involved in the regulatory technology services provided by Milliman. Her role involves monitoring regulatory updates, as well as administering and training for Milliman’s Solvency II compliance assessment tool. She keeps up to date on developments in the areas of Solvency II and the insurance market and has written briefing notes on these topics. She is also keeping up to date on developments in the areas of actuarial modelling and data science.
- Bachelor of Actuarial and Financial Studies, University College Dublin, Certificate in Data Science, IFoA