Milliman’s ACO Care Management Impact Model (ACO CMIM) allows consultants, medical management staff, and financial analysts to model the impact of care management on healthcare costs and utilisation. ACO CMIM enables organisations interested in setting up an accountable care organisation (ACO) to establish medical management goals and performance targets that will help achieve desired financial results. They can also carefully analyse operations or the likely outcome of decisions before changes are implemented.
Optimise operations and care management structure
ACO CMIM draws on Milliman’s Health Cost Guidelines database for its comprehensive modelling. Users can determine the costs of their desired care management functions or work to structure care management to meet established financial goals. With this tool, new or existing ACOs can:
Optimise care management operations and address waste or medically unnecessary healthcare utilisation.
Model a range of effective performance and know whether the organisation is meeting goals or is able to improve.
Analyse operations or the impact of decisions before a change is implemented.
Determine administrative or staffing costs associated with the desired care management.
Benchmark their performance against similar ACOs.
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